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Country Professionals

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

It is not counted on libraries that maintain up-to-date books, data bank of information that provides aid to the participants in the optimization of their knowledge and applicability of these in their professional exercise. Little entailment of these universities with the enterprise sectors exists very, with the State, that allows them to enter itself in the real needs of these sectors, to remove benefit to its experiences, needs, to help itself to complement in form beneficial the assimilated thing in the theory, to fortify with professional practices, dynamic participation its professional formation. It is worrisome, as in the Venezuelan case, a constant complaint of the companies which the graduated ones leave with very close knowledge, with little amplitude is pronounced, very limited and too theoretical and with nonown knowledge of the present scenes, concretely, they are not providing what the country needs for its solutions, profits. Before this worrisome reality for the Venezuelan education superior, measures are due to take that they avoid that it is continued deteriorating. One becomes necessary to take actions that entail to demand of the private universities more academic rigor, less facilismo, commercialization, more commitment. All the deformations, weaknesses must be denounced that maintain and seriously affect the formation of professionals who Venezuela requires, to demand more academicism, better formation, especially in the races that we have mentioned, that today more than ever, are necessary stops to guarantee actions that help the country to leave the turbulences that it confronts more and, before a world-wide crisis that will repel in our economy. The public universities before this reality, have opportunities to confront the challenges that benefit to them in their projection to enable optimal professionals, if they set out it, more before a competition than it shows many weaknesses; simply their authorities must reconstruct their actions for an academicism of good level, to set out to rescue the deterioramiento of the education superior, guaranteeing the formation of good professionals who collaborate with the country for reaching the development that from is time already was due to have reached.