August, 2012Archive for


Monday, August 27th, 2012

Tradition is tradition, people follows without understanding the reason very, mainly on ones to the marriage. The famous Tea of Kitchen, or pan Tea, as they want, has an origin nothing glamourosa, but it was absorbed by diverse cultures and today many times it is a glamourosa party in buffets or and restaurants for marriage. By the way, for marriages in So Paulo, it exists until some restaurants and other places with packages special for these events. Old, the women of few resources, without you endow, they did not obtain fiancs and they were predestinold to the solteirice. a>. It was then that from collective initiatives, friends of the fianc had passed if to congregate in confraternizao and, with a bit daqui and from there, to collect money and merchandises for the fianc in question. ' ' Bridal Shower' ' (Bridal = referring to the fianc/Shower = overflowed), as it passed to be known, started to have a paper of ' ' fairy madrinha' ' , since from this gesture between friends, future solteirona started to be a young woman casadoira. Reasons to the part, the great truth it is that the Tea of Kitchen if became tradition, independent of the necessity of the fianc. In the truth, as women adore to have reasons to congregate themselves and to fofocar, this type of meeting started to be a great chance friends to palpitarem them and to be knowing of more details on details of the party, of the dress, maquiagem, bouquet of fianc Also, to change figurinhas with who already passed therefore on details technician more as the choice of buffets and restaurants for marriage..

Motivator Par Excellence

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

It is certain that nobody trabajaria in a company if they do not pay to him. *** I have listened to people who say that: ” they work by necessity “. *** I have seen people who only knead money by the simple fact to feel ” seguras” economically. *** But ” not only on bread hombre” lives; . *** In this article will mention to him What deberia to be the real value of the money. usually is considered to the money as a booster one of external conduct (that is to say since you with your mascot do. If this it does ” suerte” that he has taught to him, you give a prize him. It is this case is but money).

*** This is certain in many cases, but not in all. So that. *** Imaginese you to a person whom it looks for to make much money by ” only fact of sentirse” that this progressing and being developed. For this person, the amount of money (AMOUNT) that obtains sera the indicator (INDICATING ) of its level of autorrealizacin, consequently the gained money becomes the measurement of whatever has managed to satisfy its personal needs. *** The money, in fact, is valuable by his ” value of intercambio” : each person obtains with the money which in particular interests to him. Some only look for money to satisfy their physiological needs (feeding, house, clothes).

*** Tries it mainly to Others to obtain to be able or prestige within the social group in which they develop. *** Also are some who wish to satisfy diverse types with necessity, like the security or independence. the money like incentive The money can be used like a powerful weapon of incertivo, if suitably is used it. *** That is to say, must bear relation to the effort realised by the person or the results secured by this. *** If worker manages to settle down the nexus between which he does and what he obtains, then the person ” aprende” the wished conduct. *** For this connection ” mental” , a series of systems of incentives has been devised. *** An example for the operative personnel of plant: The typical thing is to pay a fixed amount by produced unit, of way like the individual esfuerze to be increased its level of productivity in order to secure the money that wishes. *** In the case of the administrative personnel, but the common thing is to evaluate its merits to decide, with base to this evaluation, a certain level of economic compensation. *** Now Know you in that you use its personnel the money that receives? (To only eat), He considers it suitable so he realises (the nexus remembers)? He has not asked so that he feels (unconsciously) that, but early that behind schedule pediran an increase to him? *** Conoci a Manager who landed the subject to him, decia: ” He does not wake up the sleepy ghosts of the dissatisfaction, if you cannot do in front to them. ” ** Fodder that to the benefit of his company and of the labor climate of the same already is hour to respond to these questions.