3 Types of Risks Ambient ambient risks Are considered chemical, physical, biological, existing the agents in work environments. The ambient risks are capable to cause damages to the health and the physical integrity of the worker due its nature, concentration, intensity, susceptibility and time of exposition. So that factors of ambient risks are considered these agents need beyond being gifts in the work environment, however in determined concentrations or intensity, and the maximum time of exposition of the collaborator they is determined by preset limits. The ambient or professional risks are divided in five main groups: ) Physical risks: are effect generated for machines, equipment and characteristic physical conditions of the workstation, that can cause damages to the health of the worker. b) Chemical risks: these risks are represented by the chemical substances that if find in the forms liquid, solid and gaseous. When absorbed for the organism, it can produce reactions and damages toxic the health.
It has three ways of penetration in the organism: by respiratory, it saw cutaneous, it saw digestive. c) Biological risks: caused for invisible microrganismos by rough estimate naked, as bacteria, fungos, virus, bacilli and others. They are capable to unchain illnesses due to contamination and for the proper nature of the work. d) Ergonomic risks: they are contrary to the ergonomics techniques, that consider that the work environments if adaptem to the man, propitiating welfare psychological physicist and. The ergonomic risks are on also the external factors (of the environment) and the internal factors (of the emotional plan). In synthesis: they occur when it has disfuno between the individual, its rank of work and its equipment. e) Risks of accidents: they occur in function of the physical conditions? of physical environment and the process of work? technological improper capable of to provoke injuries to the physical integrity of the worker. Each labor activity has ambient risks and the degree of differentiated risks.