The Patient

As much the patient as its family must receive attention, aid and consideration, becomes necessary the action of the team to interdisciplinar, where the psychologist plays basic paper. The psychologist, inside of the hospital, searchs the relief emotional of the patient and of its family, being that many times to accomplish this aid, it needs to mobilize other professionals and that in this mobilization, many times are gifts you distress and ansiedades. The psychologist must live deeply the situation, helping in the exteriorizao of the feelings, you distress perceiving them and creating conditions for the experience and understanding of the feelings. 2 – THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION DIGNSTICA. From the moment where the doctor Dr. Jack safe from Mckee self-sufficient itself and, receives the notice from a fellow worker that &#039 says to it cold; ' you have one cncer' ' it starts to demonstrate to anguish and fragility. Now it did not see more in the doctor condition and yes of patient, thus, he feels what he is to face the bureaucracy and the indifference of the doctors, what he is to wait for hours the result of an examination, what means to be only plus a number.

Disgnostic each time more specific that, beyond approaching the person in its existencial amplitude, they make with that only one definitive symptom exists in that life. To the step that goes perceiving how much it is being damaged as patient, it goes changing its behavior, also with its proper patients. It perceives the importance to explain the procedure to them that is being adopted, the importance to call them for its names, to give attention to them; at last, to treat them as people. The World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) esteem that 4,5 million patients in developing countries and developed die annually without receiving treatment from pain and without other so prevalecentes symptoms how much to pain are considered them and that also they cause suffering. .

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