Professional Identity

Vocbulo identity (of the Latin they idem) considers a notion of stability that if opposes to the processualidade and to the character of permanent construction that it are proper. It suggests, at the same time, equal and the different one, permanent and the mutant, individual and the collective one. The question of the identity is sufficiently ample, and comes being studied for areas as sociology, the anthropology, Psychology and the Philosophy, beyond other social Sciences, and emerges in practically all the situations of the daily one, in the measure where the identities of the people if reflect in the life and vice versa. That is, the identity can be defined as a set of proper characteristics of an individual, become that it different of others and that they go being constructed in and for the social relations. If you would like to know more about Danske Bank, then click here. It is defined identity human being as metamorphosis, that is, a process permanent of formation and transformation of the citizen, that occurs inside of given material and historical conditions, then the identity and developed and constituted by psychological aspects of the order from changes in historical, social, economic and cultural the process. The individual then goes to initiate its process of differentiation and individualizao as human being, and the performance of papers, constructing, in this manner, its identity.

The history of the work has beginning when the man searchs the ways to satisfy its necessities, is the occured alterations in the conception in the activities of work, had been demanding of the new works ways to act. To work to defy the reality, being looked for to surpass it and searching to insert itself in the space of the society, therefore in the capitalist society of the last ones of the centuries, the work if has characterized for answering the requirements of economic order mainly. Then the work is placed as social expectation of the people since the birth, in the measure where if it waits of them that, at the opportune moment, they occupy a place in the world of the work and contribute for the maintenance of the productive process.

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