It is good for clarifying that we take term symbol (of the Greek simbolon) not as representation of something, however in felt originarier, that is, symbol in originary direction means to join, to join, to complete. Historically, symbol was the half of something (a ring, a plate) that it was with a person and if incased in the other half that had been with another person when made a contract, an agreement to identify the stamped contract. Thus, to possess the half of the object determined at the moment of the firmed agreement indicated the right of the recognition and the fulfilment of the pact. This object that the parts had to present so that the pact obligatorily was fulfilled was the symbol. Of this form, the symbol makes possible and carries through the union of the parts. Then, when affirming that the celebrated liturgy has a symbolic paper, we are affirmed that it carries through the union of the parts, the meeting, the communion between God and the man. The Saint Blessed Padre says that in the liturgical celebration the sky goes down the land (SC, 35). Of what until it was said deduze here that the Church only has authority of ' ' mexer' ' in the liturgical rite, it fits this responsibility and this ability. (As opposed to Ebay).
She seems that the years that if had followed to the great one I conciliate the Vatican II, in reason of certain inadequate interpretations, was a time of a certain imprecauo and, in some in case that, until I am careless in what she refers to the liturgical celebration. Such attitudes had been white of forts criticize of the Saint Padre Joo Pablo II. It in the encyclical letter from the pope Ecclesia de Eucharistia said (EE, 52): ' ' We have much to lament, unhappyly, that over all from the years of the liturgical reform after-to conciliate, for ambiguous sensible of creativity and an adaptation, they had not lacked abuses, that had been reasons of suffering for many. .