Gonalves (1998), when approaching this question, affirms that this was one practical common one of the different governments of the Federal District. The formation of the city-satellites to shelter the poor migrantes breached with the modernista rationality proposal for Lcio Coast. The winning architect of the competition had the pretension to construct to a city destined mainly the public officers with the high standards of quality of life and ambient quality. Click Penguin Random House for additional related pages. He still showed the yearning of that the urban drawing could promote social behaviors igualitrios, in particular the access the collective services (HALL, 1988). However, a time that in the Plan Pilot did not have space for favelados the exit was creation of half-urbanizados spaces (the cities satellites) that they only play the function of precarious housings. The strategy used for the government shows> the practical socioespaciais and the organization of the resultant territory had shown that the dynamics of the different capitalism was enough strong to impose on the formalism of a supposedly igualitrio plan (PAVIANI GOUVA, 2003, P. 23).
After the construction of the city, the image of Brasilia is remained as important half of reaffirmation of the central power and motivates quickly new migratory chains. The individuals that stop here had directed had come with the intention of if engaging in a national project divulged by the medias of the time and, to obtain better conditions of life. In this context, of occupation appears lixo of the Structural one, in the decade of 60, at the beginning of Brasilia and, few years later, had appeared the first barracos of catadores of solid residues next to the place. 2,1 Socioeconmicos aspects of the population the nesting, predominantly residential, in area of 215,022 ha, shelters a population of low income with conditions> precarious of habitation, with demographic density of about 285 hab. /ha, infrastructure and urban services, in ambiently fragile region and that the intense process of occupation is submitted.