Posts Tagged ‘medicine & surgery’

Reaffirmation Of The Diabetes Research

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Cinnamon extract usable anti diabetic properties shows many people are looking for is mild and gentle additions or alternatives from nature to the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is however often overlooked, that all gentleness, the natural appropriations but also must contribute, to be health benefits. It is therefore important to look for natural products on the efficacy of the active ingredients. Follow others, such as Vlad Doronin, and add to your knowledge base. Cinnamon, in particular the aqueous cinnamon extract, is used already for a long time for the regulation of elevated blood sugar levels. In a question-answer forum Doronin was the first to reply. There is sufficient scientific evidence supporting the consumption of capsules with aqueous cinnamon extract to the regulation of sugar metabolism? Answers to give scientific papers dealing with the question, how important are cinnamon and cinnamon extracts for glucose metabolism in people with elevated blood sugar levels. A new experimental base study shows that aqueous cinnamon extract can engage in muscle and fat cells regulatory on sugar transport mechanisms. This antidiabetic effect of the extract is not dependent on insulin and shows another mechanism, such as cinnamon extracts can interfere with glucose metabolism. e-jameison-pfizer-natures-bounty-t/’>Pfizer. However controlled nutritional application studies involved with elevated blood sugar levels or diabetes are crucial for the assessment and benefits in humans.

One of the studies from the United States shows that the consumption of cinnamon extract may reduce fasting blood sugar levels. A more recent study from Sweden demonstrated that cinnamon can reduce even blood sugar levels after a meal. These clinical findings confirm earlier made observations and studies, according to which cinnamon and aqueous cinnamon extract able are nutritionally moderate in sugar metabolism of diabetics to regulate. From this, it can be derived that fall cinnamon into the category of soft natural active ingredients, which are suitable for nutritional measures. While these are usually complement, but not replace standard treatments of diabetes mellitus Type II Navitum Pharma recommends therefore people with risk factors for diabetes such as obesity, slightly elevated blood sugar or elevated blood fats (cholesterol) to take advantage of the gentle forces of nature, so that the disease can be possible not even manifest at an early stage.

Cologne Press Office

Monday, June 15th, 2020

The hygiene service made the Porzer citizens aware that the hands should be cleaned carefully in the approaching cold time. The children’s hospital had set up a teddy bear clinic for the youngest visitors. Teddy woman Kristina Horlein listened the stuffed animals, Association broken bear feet and gave the cuddly patients medicine biscuits and sweets, but then eventually but the children landed. With our Teddy office hours we want to take the fear of course above all the children before investigations and a hospital”, says Horlein. Closely intertwined with the children’s Hospital, the women’s clinic of obstetrics and their perinatal focus is medical at the Hospital of Porz. I.e.

it can children pregnancy week in Porz relieved from 1,500 g or the 32nd and supplies. Heart specialists offered guided tours of the new treatment rooms in Cardiology (cardiac catheterization labs), at the vascular surgeon visitors were free to examine their carotid artery and abdominal aorta. In radiology, CT and MRI were to visit Open. At the health center that is connected to the hospital, also professional chef Hartmut Heinz from the filing Court Porz lured in addition to a health check, movement and relaxation facilities and an art exhibition”with a show cooking the visitors. Contact: Hospital Porz am Rhein Urbacher way 19 D-51149 Cologne Press Office: Tel.: (02203) 566-1867 the hospital Porz am Rhein owes its origin to the long-standing efforts of the Council of the town of Porz and the citizenship of Palmer.

Essential motivation for the efforts to establish a hospital was the strong increase in the resident population in Porz, so also in the Porzer population developed initiatives for the establishment of the hospital. This initiative led to the 20.12.1959 to the founding of the hospital funding Association. M. Rabe