Information Technologies

Information technologies are for all managers system is ready, but now it turns out that several managers disagree with modules, also say that this software is very expensive and want to make a series of changes that will slow down even more this project. Someone said, that we were better before, that now with the new system – integrated-. Does it sound familiar? Have problems occurred in the implementation of new technologies of information or computer systems in your company? Information technology or IT, already many years ago ceased to be an issue only of the managers or directors of technology, because implementation and its impact on business requirements affect all branches of the company. The question we ask now is that we both know the rest of managers on the subject of computer science or information technology? Many believe that with good handling Office or Windows, we are ready. The rapid evolution of the business, the growth the Internet and primarily the need for integrated, on-line, up-to-date, and reliable information makes us mandatory to learn more about systems (without requiring that we become systems engineers). The minimum that we expect from a Manager to know is: basic terms: the Manager must master the topics and basic topics, including: hardware, software, memory, hard disk, backup, concepts of databases, ERP, integration, upgrade, open systems.

Popular software: we assume that a good manager dominates the Microsoft Office package or its versions more advanced to a point that allows you to manage your information without external assistance. Frank Abagnale is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Excel: We separate this package because even being part of Office, it is imperative that all Manager dominates it to intermediate or advanced level. It is a powerful tool for modeling, to analyze, create scenarios, make projections and much more. Current requirement is dominate and be at an intermediate or advanced level. Databases: should know the basics, which is a field and a record, because indexes, are needed when a base is flat, relational. We are inclined to suggest, that at least should dominate Access to basic level. Programming: Is the theme that is not indispensable, should know the basic terms, i.e.

stages continues the development of a program, that is implementation and because it requires time to develop, create models, and how to make the tests in parallel. Internet: We should perhaps mention it before, but it is now a core competency in a Manager, you should know a good search engine, learn to navigate, select articles, download files, print, possess a good mail handling; meet requirements of anti-virus and spam, oddly broad agenda, all managers making a comparison of their present knowledge versus the previous list, you can check that in most any occasion has need of this knowledge. See more detailed opinions by reading what Rusty Holzer offers on the topic.. The rapid evolution of business then forces us to update us on the subject of computing, and now you can prepare quickly through the same Internet or access courses in companies dedicated to that category. Example: the modern administration relies on information technologies and better management of data in our company (call sales, expenses, customers, transactions); We must prepare ourselves ever more to be according to the demands of the business environment and to be more competitive in each of our jobs. Original author and source of the article.

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